HemoFLUOR™ PMT "Global"

The Fast and Easy "Global" Fluorescence Patient Monitoring After Transplantation (PMT) Assay for Lympho-Hematopoietic Reconstitution





A Fast and Easy "Global" Fluorescence Assay to Monitor Lympho-Hematopoietic Reconstitution After Transplantation

Description Tissue Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
4-Population + Background Bone marrow or peripheral blood Low serum K5-4PMT-5 1 Kit
5-Population + Background Bone marrow or peripheral blood Low serum K5-5PMT-6 1 Kit
4-Population + Background Bone marrow or peripheral blood Low serum K5-7PMT-8 1 Kit
4-Population + Background Bone marrow or peripheral blood Serum-Free K5SF-4PMT-5 1 Kit
5-Population + Background Bone marrow or peripheral blood Serum-Free K5SF-5PMT-6 1 Kit
7-Population + Background Bone marrow or peripheral blood Serum-Free K5SF-7PMT-8 1 Kit

HemoFLUOR™ PMT "Global": A fluorescence "Global" assay to monitor lymphocyte-hematopoietic reconstitution in patients after stem cell transplantation

Download the PMT Assay Flyer  



How to Perform a Fluorescence-Based Readout (for HemoFLUOR™ PMT "Global")

Complete, "global" fluorescence assay to monitor hematopoietic and immune reconstitution after stem cell transplantation.

Determine "global" hematopoietic and lympho-hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell reconstitution in patients that have undergone stem cell transplantation.

  • Replacement for the CFU assay for hematopoietic lineage reconstitution.
  • Measurement of progenitor cell proliferation, rather than differentiation, provides faster results.
  • Measures individual hematopoietic lineages providing a faster prediction of possible reconstitution than the €œclassic€ CFU assay.
  • No colony counting required.
  • Transforms the subjective CFU assay into a non-subjective, instrument-based, quantitative assay.
  • Easier to use than any traditional CFU assay, even using automated colony counting.
  • Complete assay kit; includes everything needed to culture and obtain results.
  • Easy to learn, fast to use and cheaper than methylcellulose CFU assays.
  • Incorporates proven Suspension Expansion Culture™ (SEC™) Technology.

Assay Principle to Monitor Patient Lympho-Hematopoietic Reconstitution After Transplantation using HemoFLUOR™ PMT
  • Incorporates the measurement of non-fluorescent Resazurin (alimaBlue™) to fluorescent resorufin in an oxidation/reduction reaction that occurs only in live cells. The amount of fluorescence (relative fluorescence units, RFU) is dependent on the metabolic status of the cells and therefore is not only a measure of metabolic viability, but cell proliferation or inhibition.
  • After culture, add 10μL of reagent, mix and measure signal between 30 minutes and 4 hours in a fluorescence plate reader.
  • Uses a plate fluorometer or multimode plate reader to measure fluorescence with an excitation filter 560nmand an emission filter of 590nm.
HemoFLUOR™ PMT "Global" Assay Kits are available as:
  • 4-Population "Global" Assay consists of: SC-GEMM 1, P-BFU 1, P-GM 1, P-Mk 1 and Background
  • 5-Population "Global" Assay consists of: SC-HPP 2, SC-GEMM 1, P-BFU 1, P-GM 1, P-Mk 1 and Background
  • 7-Population "Global" Assay consists of: SC-HPP 2, SC-GEMM 1, P-BFU 1, P-GM 1, P-Mk 1, P-Tcell 3, P-Bcell 2 and Background
Each HemoFLUOR™ PMT "Global" Assay Kit contains 5, 6 or 8 x 96-well plates, one for each lineage and background. Each sample is meant to be assessed in 8 replicates, but can be reduced to 4 replicates. Therefore, if using 8 replicates/sample, 12 samples can be assessed using a single assay kit.
  • Peripheral blood
  • Bone marrow (biopsy)

For research use only. Not for clinical diagnostic use.

A fluorescence or multimode plate reader with an excitation filter at 560nm and an emission filter at 590nm.

  • HemoFLUOR™ PMT "Global" Master Mixes for each cell population tested
  • Resazurin Reagent
  • 3% SDS to stop the reaction
  • Resorufin to standardize the assay
  • Non-sterile 96-well plate to standardize the assay
  • Sterile, 96-well plate(s)
  • Sterile, adhesive cover foils to maintain sterility of unused wells

How to Perform the HemoFLUOR™ PMT Assay to Measure Patient Lympho-Hematopoietic Reconstitution After Stem Cell Transplantation