ES, iPS and
Other Stem Cell Lines
The use of embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to produce other cell types that can be employed for multiple applications has gained considerable traction in recent years. These stem cell lines have been used to produce hepatocyte, cardiomyocytes, neural cells, mesenchymal stem cells, hematopoietic cells and others.
ES- and iPS-derived cells are now being used in cellular therapy and regenerative medicine clinical trials.
The production of mature end cells for different applications under standardized culture conditions from ES or iPS cells requires the use of reliable and, especially in the case of clinical products, standardized and validated procedures and assays to ensure manufacturing cellular consistency. The ability to quantitatively measure quality, not only of the end cells, but also of the stem cells being used to produce the end cells is extremely important, since interpretation and conclusions based on incorrect results could be significant.
Similarly, the potency of the cells being used for clinical trials will depend on whether the intended result can be achieved. The alternative is whether no result or an adverse effect is observed.
For research and stem cell quality applications of ES and iPS cells, Preferred Cell Systems™ has developed the following assay kits:
- STEMGlo™, a standardized and validated ATP bioluminescence assay for stem cell metabolic viability and proliferation.
- STEMClone™, a clonal, duel marker assays for stem cell differentiation and stem cell colony proliferation incorporating the STEMGlo™ ATP bioluminescence readout.
- STEMFluor™, a fluorescence metabolic cell viability and proliferation assay.
- STEMLight™, an absorbance/colorimetric metabolic cell viability and proliferation assay.
- STEMGlo™ IPS is a standardized and validated assay platform that incorporates the proven ATP bioluminescence readout to measure stem cell identity, purity and strength (potency).
- STEMGlo™-Tox HT for screening potential toxic agents. STEMGlo™-Tox HT incorporates a standardized and validated ATP bioluminescence readout for high throughput screening in 96-well or, upon request, 384-well plate.
For more information on these products and how they can be used in your application, please contact an expert at or call (719) 264-6251.