Immune B-Cells / B-Lymphocytes
Like T-cells, B-cells originate in the bone marrow from lymphopoietic stem cells. However, unlike T-cell development, B-cell development continues to occur in the bone marrow. Mature B-cells are found in the circulation and in other tissues. B-cells can produce different types of antibodies. However, they can also interact with T-cells and are therefore of particular interest in immunotherapy. These interactions can be complex and difficult to analyze.
B-cells need specific stimuli to induce them into proliferation. Preferred Cell Systems™ has developed B-cell expansion reagents and assays that, although used alone, can also be combined with T-cell assays or assays with other end points.
At present, immune B-cell assays are only available for human and mouse. However, rat assays will shortly be joining the growing immune cell portfolio from Preferred Cell Systems™.
In the table below, you will find immune B-cell populations developed by Preferred Cell Systems™. These populations can be detected and measured using:
- ImmunoGLO™ = Bioluminescence readout
- ImmunoFLUOR™ = Fluorescence readout
- ImmunoLIGHT™ = Absorbance/colorimetric readout
- Use or application goal (research, cellular therapy or toxicity testing).
- Whether you need to measure proliferation, differentiation or both.
- Cell type being detected.
- Instrumentation available.
- Other factors such as accuracy, sensitivity, precision etc.
Immune Bcell Population |
Use / Application | Immune Bcell Assay |
Growth Factor Cocktail |
Bcell 2 | Research | ImmunoGLO BCP 2 ImmunoFLUOR BCP 2 ImmunoLIGHT BCP 2 |
Cytokines only |
Bcell 2 | In Vitro Toxicity | ImmunoGlo-Tox BCP 2 | Cytokines only |
Bcell 3 | Research | ImmunoGLO BCP 3 ImmunoFLUOR BCP 3 ImmunoLIGHT BCP 3 |
Cocktail contains cytokines* |
Bcell 3 | In Vitro Toxicity | ImmunoGLO-Tox BCP 3 | Cocktail contains cytokines* |
All populations | Base growth medium | ImmunoGro |
BCP = B-cell proliferation
* These B-cell assays contains a proprietary cocktail of co-factors and cytokines