Metabolic Viability and Cellular Functionality Assay for
Virtually Any Cell Type to Determine Cellular and Mitochondrial Integrity

Buy LIVEGlo™ Assay Kits

Metabolic Viability and Cellular Functionality Assay for Virtually Any Cell Type to Determine Cellular and Mitochondrial Integrity

  • Determine if cells are metabolically viable.
  • Determine if cells exhibit sufficient metabolic activity to grow.
  • Best for fresh or continuously dividing cells.
  • Fully standardized viability and cellular functionality assay.
  • Results within 30 minutes.
  • Directly compare viability results from single or multiple cell sources over time.
  • Provides additional assurance that a dye exclusion viability method does not produce false positive results.
  • Incorporates proven ATP bioluminescence technology for fast, highly sensitive and reliable results.
  • Simple, time efficient and cost effective.

Principle of ATP Bioluminescence Metabolic Viability Assays
All ATP bioluminescence assays kits from Preferred Cell Systems™ include an ATP standard(s) and controls.  Performing the ATP standard curve and controls is highly recommended. The controls are used to calibrate the luminescence plate reader and the ATP standard is used to standardize the assay. The values obtained from the standard curve and controls (see diagram below) are then compared to the measurement assurance parameters that are provided in the instruction manual. If the values obtained are within the ranges provided by the measurement assurance parameters, you, the user, have successfully performed the proficiency testing to ensure that you have not only performed the assay correctly, but that the results you obtain can be trusted.

No additional proficiency testing is required if the calibration and standardization procedure is performed. The values you obtain from each calibration and standardization can be logged and used for certification that the assay has been performed correctly and that the results are trustworthy.

Calibration and standardization of an ATP bioluminescence assay from Preferred Cell Systems™ - Measurement Assurance
  • Virtually any mammalian cell type

To order click the catalog number link in the table below.

LIVEGlo™ Assay Kits

Assay Type Catalog Number Number of Plates
LIVEGlo™ PS-96-1 1

For Research Use Only. Not for clinical diagnostic use.
Luminescence or multimode plate reader. 

  • ATP standard
  • ATP controls
  • ATP Enumeration Reagent
  • Non-sterile, 96-well plates
What is the difference between LIVEGlo™ and any other dye exclusion viability test?
LIVEGlo™ is a metabolic viability test, whereas all dye exclusion viability tests are based on the ability of the dye to enter the cells and bind with an intracellular component. Metabolic viability assays measure biochemical changes that are directly related to the metabolic status of the cells. Therefore, if cells are dead or dying, their metabolic status will be nonexistent or very low. Many dye exclusion viability tests detect membrane permeability or membrane integrity. Cell membranes can be permeable to small molecules, but the cell may not be dead or dying.

Why are the results of a dye exclusion viability test given as percentages, but results from LIVEGlo™ are not?
This is another difference between the two types of viability assay. Metabolic viability assay output is given as a biochemical readout in luminescence units, or if the assay is standardized, as ATP concentrations in µM. For many cell types, the lowest ATP concentration indicate unsustainable or loss of metabolism is between 0.01 and 0.04µM. For cells capable of proliferating, ATP values in this range or lower is an indication that the cells cannot support proliferative activity. For dye exclusion viability assays, a percentage of cells that exclude the dye is an indication of the live cells. However, for all percentage value, a reference must be available. So if 85% of the cells are indicated to be alive by dye exclusion viability, the question is, 85% of what? What is the number or concentration that this 85% refers to? With metabolic viability, this question is unnecessary, because the ATP value is a direct indication of the metabolic status of the cells. If th cells are not producing ATP, they are dead.    

Download the LIVEGlo™ Technical Manual
Download the ATP Optimization Kit Protocol for First-Time Users
Download Information of Luminometer Setup and RLU to ATP Conversion