A Miniaturized Methylcellulose Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay



A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 1 Human Low serum KC-HPP1-50H 50mL
HPP-SP 2 Human Low serum KC-HPP2-50H 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Human Low serum KC-GEMM1-50H 50mL
CFC-GEMM 2 Human Low serum KC-GEMM2-50H 50mL
CFC-GEMM 3 Human Low serum KC-GEMM3-50H 50mL
CFC-GEM 1 Human Low serum KC-GEM1-50H 50mL
CFC-GEM 2 Human Low serum KC-GEM2-50H 50mL
CFC-GEM 3 Human Low serum KC-GEM3-50H 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Human Low serum KC-BFU1-50H 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Human Low serum KC-GM1-50H 50mL
GM-CFC 2 Human Low serum KC-GM2-50H 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Human Low serum KC-GM3-50H 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Human Low serum KC-Mk1-50H 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Human Low serum KC-E-50H 50mL
G-CFC Human Low serum KC-G-50H 50mL
M-CFC Human Low serum KC-M-50H 50mL
T-CFC Human Low serum KC-T-50H 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Human Low serum KC-0-50H 50mL


A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 2 Mouse Low serum KC-HPP2-50M 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Mouse Low serum KC-GEMM1-50M 50mL
CFC-GEMM 2 Mouse Low serum KC-GEMM2-50M 50mL
CFC-GEM 1 Mouse Low serum KC-GEM1-50M 50mL
CFC-GEM 2 Mouse Low serum KC-GEM2-50M 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Mouse Low serum KC-BFU1-50M 50mL
BFU-E 2 Mouse Low serum KC-BFU2-50M 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Mouse Low serum KC-GM1-50M 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Mouse Low serum KC-GM3-50M 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Mouse Low serum KC-Mk1-50M 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Mouse Low serum KC-E-50M 50mL
G-CFC Mouse Low serum KC-G-50M 50mL
M-CFC Mouse Low serum KC-M-50M 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Mouse Low serum KC-0-50M 50mL


A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 2 Primate Low serum KC-HPP2-50Pr 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Primate Low serum KC-GEMM1-50Pr 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Primate Low serum KC-BFU1-50Pr 50mL
BFU-E 2 Primate Low serum KC-BFU2-50Pr 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Primate Low serum KC-GM1-50Pr 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Primate Low serum KC-GM3-50Pr 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Primate Low serum KC-Mk1-50Pr 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Primate Low serum KC-E-50Pr 50mL
G-CFC Primate Low serum KC-G-50Pr 50mL
M-CFC Primate Low serum KC-M-50Pr 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Primate Low serum KC-0-50Pr 50mL


A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 2 Rat Low serum KC-HPP2-50R 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Rat Low serum KC-GEMM1-50R 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Rat Low serum KC-BFU1-50R 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Rat Low serum KC-GM1-50R 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Rat Low serum KC-GM3-50R 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Rat Low serum KC-Mk1-50R 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Rat Low serum KC-E-50R 50mL
G-CFC Rat Low serum KC-G-50R 50mL
M-CFC Rat Low serum KC-M-50R 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Rat Low serum KC-0-50R 50mL


A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 2 Dog Low serum KC-HPP2-50C 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Dog Low serum KC-GEMM1-50C 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Dog Low serum KC-BFU1-50C 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Dog Low serum KC-GM1-50C 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Dog Low serum KC-GM3-50C 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Dog Low serum KC-Mk1-50C 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Dog Low serum KC-E-50C 50mL
G-CFC Dog Low serum KC-G-50C 50mL
M-CFC Dog Low serum KC-M-50C 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Dog Low serum KC-0-50C 50mL


A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 1 Horse Low serum KC-HPP1-50E 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Horse Low serum KC-GEMM1-50E 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Horse Low serum KC-BFU1-50E 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Horse Low serum KC-GM1-50E 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Horse Low serum KC-GM3-50E 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Horse Low serum KC-Mk1-50E 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Horse Low serum KC-E-50E 50mL
G-CFC Horse Low serum KC-G-50E 50mL
M-CFC Horse Low serum KC-M-50E 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Horse Low serum KC-0-50E 50mL


A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 2 Pig Low serum KC-HPP2-50Po 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Pig Low serum KC-GEMM1-50Po 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Pig Low serum KC-BFU1-50Po 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Pig Low serum KC-GM1-50Po 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Pig Low serum KC-GM3-50Po 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Pig Low serum KC-Mk1-50Po 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Pig Low serum KC-E-50Po 50mL
G-CFC Pig Low serum KC-G-50Po 50mL
M-CFC Pig Low serum KC-M-50Po 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Pig Low serum KC-0-50Po 50mL


A Minaturized Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assay

Cell Population Species  Formulation Catalog Number Quantity
Stem Cell Populations
HPP-SP 2 Sheep Low serum KC-HPP2-50O 50mL
CFC-GEMM 1 Sheep Low serum KC-GEMM1-50O 50mL
Progenitor Cell Populations
BFU-E 1 Sheep Low serum KC-BFU1-50O 50mL
GM-CFC 1 Sheep Low serum KC-GM1-50O 50mL
GM-CFC 3 Sheep Low serum KC-GM3-50O 50mL
Mk-CFC 1 Sheep Low serum KC-Mk1-50O 50mL
Precursor Cell Populations
CFU-E Sheep Low serum KC-E-50O 50mL
G-CFC Sheep Low serum KC-G-50O 50mL
M-CFC Sheep Low serum KC-M-50O 50mL
No Growth Factors Added
Any Sheep Low serum KC-0-50O 50mL

CAMEO™-4 Box image

Miniaturized, methylcellulose colony-forming cell (CFC) / unit (CFU) complete assay kit for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from The Colony Experts.
  • Hematopoietic research and cellular therapy applications requiring a methylcellulose, clonal assay.
  • Leukemic cell growth.
  • Evaluate differentiation status or potential of different lympho-hematopoietic cell populations.
  • Correlate in vivo with in vitro differentiation.
  • Differentiation effects of growth factors or cytokines.
  • Evaluate ex vivo differential expansion.
  • Evaluate the effects of drugs, xenobiotics or other agents on the differentiation/maturation process. 
  • Miniaturized assay format requires 1/10 of the volume of reagents, target cells and other sample requirements compared to traditional 35mm Petri dish CFC assays.
  • Greater number of replicates (4) improves statistics.
  • Smaller growth surface for more accurate and faster colony counting.
  • No meniscus; allows evaluation of colonies to the well edge.
  • Colonies counted after 9-10 days, compared to 14 days for MethoCult™ reagents.
  • CAMEO™-4 assay kits contain sufficient reagents and culture plates for 50 samples.
  • Complete flexibility; evaluate new growth factors and/or cytokines.
  • Available for 17 different cell populations and 8 different species.
  • Quality controlled media and superior performance compared to MethoCult™.

Miniaturized, Methylcellulose Colony-Forming Cell (CFC) or Unit (CFU)  Complete Assay Kit for Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells
  • Human
  • Non-human primate (Macaca fascicularis (Cynomologus) and Macaca mulatta (Rhesus))
  • Horse (Equine)
  • Pig (Porcine)
  • Sheep (Ovine)
  • Dog (Canine)
  • Rat (Rattus)
  • Mouse (Murine)
Cell Type Cell Population Detected (1) MethoCult™ Equivalent Growth Factor Cocktail Number of Samples(2) Species Available(4)
Any None NE None 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Stem cell HPP-SP 1 NE 3,6,SCF,Flt3-L 50 H, M
Stem cell HPP-SP 2 NE EPO,GM,2,3,6,7,SCF,TPO, Flt3-L 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Stem cell CFC-GEMM 1 NE EPO,GM,3,6,SCF,TPO, Flt3-L 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Stem cell CFC-GEMM 2 NE EPO,GM,3,6,SCF,TPO 50 H, M
Stem cell CFC-GEMM 3 H4435 "Enriched"
MethoCult Express
EPO,GM,G,3,6,SCF TPO(3) 50 H
Stem cell CFC-GEM 1 NE EPO,GM3,6,SCF 50 H, M
Stem cell CFC-GEM 2 H4034 "Optimum" EPO,GM,G,3,SCF 50 H, M
Stem cell CFC-GEM 3 H4434 "Classic" EPO,GM,3,SCF 50 H
Progenitor BFU-E 1 NE EPO,3,SCF 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Progenitor BFU-E 2 H4430 EPO (high dose) 50 H
Precursor CFU-E NE EPO (low dose) 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Progenitor GM-CFC 1 H4534 "Classic" GM,3,SCF 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Progenitor GM-CFC 2 H4035 "Optimum" GM,G,3,SCF 50 H
Progenitor GM-CFC 3 NE GM alone 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Precursor G-CFC NE G alone 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Precursor M-CFC NE M alone 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Progenitor Mk-CFC 1 NE TPO,3,SCF 50 H,Pr,E,P,O,C,R,M
Progenitor Mk-CFC 2 NE TPO alone 50 H, M
Progenitor B-CFC NE 7 alone 50 H,Pr,E,P,C,R,M
Progenitor T-CFC NE 7 alone 50 H, M

NE = No equivalent product available.

(1) = Accepted nomenclature of cell populations detected by the colony-forming cell assay.

(2) = Number of samples that can be performed from 38mL by setting up a total volume of 0.6mL, including 10% cell volume), sufficient for quadruplicate 0.1mL cultures in 4-well, 35mm Petri dishes.

(3) = Contains TPO to stimulate megakaryopoiesis. The equivalent MethoCult™ product does not contain TPO and therefore cannot be designated as a CFC-GEMM stem cell population, but rather a CFC-GEM population.

(4) H = Human, Pr = Primate, E = Equine, P = Porcine, O = Ovine, C = Canine, R = Rattus, M = Murine


How to count colonies in the CFU assay using the CAMEO-4 assay kit 

Click image for larger view

ColonyGro™ and CAMEO™-4 Incorporate the Same Growth Factor Cocktails

While ColonyGro™ uses 35mm Petri dishes, CAMEO™-4 is miniaturized using 4-wells in a 35mm Petri dish that only requires 0.1mL/well of reagent rather then 1mL of reagent. Therefore, the growth surface area for CAMEO™-4 is much smaller. As a result, the increased cell interaction allows the cells to grow faster, producing colonies in a shorter period of time. This graph shows a direct correlation between ColonyGro™ and CAMEO™-4.

Preferred Cell Systems™ provides 4 different colony-forming unit assays in 3 different formats. 

CAMEO™-4 is one of the 4 CFU assays available in a 35mm Petri dish format. Below, it is compared to the other 3 CFU assays available from Preferred Cell Systems™.

Characteristics AllColonies™:
ColonyGro™ CAMEO™-4 CAMEO™-96
Uses: Basic and stem cell research.
Veterinary research.
Limited cellular
Basic and stem cell research.
Veterinary research.
Limited cellular
Basic and stem cell research.
Veterinary research.
Limited cellular
Basic and stem cell research.
Veterinary research.
Limited cellular
hematotoxicity testing
Assay availability: 100mL/50mL/1kit 100mL 50mL 1 kit
Number of samples: 44/50/Depends
on number of
44 50 Depends
on number of
Type of assay: Methylcellulose 
- Clonal
Methylcellulose - Clonal Methylcellulose - Clonal Methylcellulose - Clonal
Assay format: 35mm Petri dish/
4-well Petri dish/
96-well plate
35mm Petri dish 4-well Petri dish 96-well plate
Cell functionality detected: Differentiation or
cell differentiation AND
Differentiation Differentiation Cell differentiation AND
Readout: Microscopic or microscopic AND
plate reader
Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic AND
plate reader
Readout endpoint: Colony counts or colony counts WITH ATP bioluminescence Colony counts Colony counts Colony counts WITH ATP bioluminescence
Subjectivity: Subjective/subjective/
Subjective Subjective Subjective AND
Cell types detected: Primitive lympho-
hematopoietic stem
Stem, progenitor and/or
precursor cells
Stem, progenitor and/or
precursor cells
Stem and/or
progenitor cells
Species: Human. Primate. Dog. Rat. Mouse Human. primate. Horse. Pig. Sheep. Dog. rat. Mouse Human. primate. Horse. Pig. Sheep. Dog. rat. Mouse Human. primate. Horse. Pig. Sheep. Dog. rat. Mouse
MethoCult™ equivalent assays available: No Yes Yes Yes
Total culture volume required: 2.5mL/0.6mL/
Depends on replicate
number (2)
2.5mL 0.6mL Depends on replicate
number (2)
Number of replicates/culture: 2/4/As many
as required
2 4 As many as required
Volume/culture: 1mL/0.1mL/0.1mL 1mL 0.1mL 0.1mL
Cell culture
6-10 days 2-12 days 2-9 days 4-9 days
Instrument calibration: Only for AllColonies™ Multi(4) No No Yes(4)
Standardized assay (5): Only for AllColonies™ Multi No No Yes
Proficiency testing incorporated into assay(6): Only for AllColonies™ Multi No No Yes
Measurement assurance(7): Only for AllColonies™ Multi No No Yes
Validation(8): Only for AllColonies™ Multi No No Yes

(1) = The number of samples tested depends on the number of replicates/sample performed. For example, if 6 replicates/sample are performed, then 16 samples can be analyzed on a single 96-well plate. These samples, however, do not have to performed on the same day.
(2) = The total culture volume for AllColonies™ Multi and CAMEO™-96 depends on the number of replicates/sample performed. If 4 replicates are required, 0.6mL total volume would be prepared, while for 6 replicates, 0.8mL would be prepared.
(3) = Culture time depends on the the state of fractionation or purification of the source cells, cell population tested and species.
(4) = Instrument calibration is performed using the ATP controls included with the assay kit.
(5) = Standardization implies performing a standard curve. ATP standards are included. ColonyGro™ and CAMEO™-4 or any other methylcellulose colony-forming assay from competitors do not include standards or controls and can not be standardized. "Standardized media" does not make an assay "standardized". 
6 = Since AllColonies™ Multi and CAMEO™-96 include standards and controls that allow the results to be compared to measurement assurance parameters every time an assay is performed, proficiency testing is also performed automatically at the same time as the instrument is calibrated and the assay standardized.
7 = Measurement assurance parameters are included in the Instruction Manual.
8 = Validation parameters are included in the Instruction Manual. Since standards and controls are included with these assays, validation can be performed in-house. ColonyGro™ and CAMEO™-4 as well as all other methylcellulose colony-forming assays from competitors, do not include standards and controls and, therefore, cannot be standardized or validated.

For Research Use Only. Not for clinical diagnostic use.

Inverted microscope with a magnification of 40x - 100x.

  • CAMEO™-4 reagent. Choose specific cell population and species.
  • 50 x 4-well, 35mm cell culture plates.
How does CAMEO™-4 compare to ColonyGro™ or other methylcellulose reagents on the market?
CAMEO™-4 is exactly the same as ColonyGro™ with the same advantages. However, CAMEO-4 has the added advantage of being a miniaturized version of ColonyGro™ requiring less sample.
How many samples can be performed with a CAMEO™-4? assay kit?
50. This compared to 44 for ColonyGro™ and significantly less (about 30 samples) for all other commercially available methylcellulose reagents. In addition, CAMEO-4 assay kits include 50 culture dishes for 50 samples. No additional culture dishes are needed.
Are the culture dishes different?
Yes. CAMEO™-4 culture dishes are similar to 35mm Petri dishes used for ColonyGro™, but incorporate 4 small wells with very low walls. The low well walls allows the investigator to count colonies to the edge of the culture. In other words, no meniscus occurs when the methylcellulose culture is added to the wells.
What is the volume of each CAMEO™-4 culture?
Each of the 4 wells well contains 0.1mL of methylcellulose culture. The total volume of CAMEO-4 culture prepared is 0.6mL containing 0.06mL of cell suspension, i.e. 10% of the total culture volume.
What cell populations and species can be used with CAMEO™-4?
CAMEO™-4 is available for all of the same cell populations as ColonyGro™. CAMEO™-4 is also available for the same species.
How are colonies counted using CAMEO™-4 and are the colonies the same as ColonyGro™?
Colonies are counted in exactly the same way as ColonyGro™ using an inverted microscope. The colonies produced are similar to those for ColonyGro™  or other methylcellulose reagents.
Can CAMEO™-4 be use in the cell therapy processing laboratory?
Yes. CAMEO™-4 assay kits are available with exactly the same growth factor cocktail formulations as used for MethoCult™ reagents in the cell processing laboratory. There is, however, one exception. It is claimed that MethoCult™ reagent H4435 "Enriched" will stimulate CFC-GEMM. This is incorrect, because H4435 does not contain thrombopoietin (TPO) to stimulate the production of megakaryocytes. The Preferred Cell Systems™ formulation includes TPO and therefore true CFC-GEMM colonies will be produced. 

CAMEO™-4, The Miniaturized Methylcellulose Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) Assays

Download the CAMEO™-4 Manual
Download the SDS Sheet